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35. “Brain-ring” (It can be used as an unexpected beginning of the “Chemistry of love” case-lesson or case-lessons with significant scan of chemistry)
The essence of the game: Students are divided into two or more teams. A teacher offers them a question (number of questions is limited by the amount of time that can be allocated for the competition). The questions are read aloud one by one, the teams are given time to discuss and choose their answer. Usually the time for one question is limited to 30 seconds. If the answer of other teams is ready ahead of time, they can sign and submit the answer first. If the answer is wrong, the right to answer goes to the opposing team. The correct answer brings the team 1 point.
In case there is parity in teams’ scores after the game, a blitz, three questions with 10 seconds to ponder the answer, is appointed. The team may delegate only one member for the blitz, it is forbidden to give them a cue.
OBJECTIVE: Teach team work, brainstorming, discussion, ability to justify one’s point of view, defend and present it, to operate under conditions of uncertainty, acquire stress resistance and confidence.
1. In the “Alchemy” course published in 1597 in Liepāja, one of the sections was dedicated to substances and methods of obtaining them. How was this section called? (“Chemistry”)
2. People have been looking for a method to transform one substance into another since the ancient times. How did alchemists call the substance, which, according to their hopes, could convert some material to gold? (Philosopher's stone)
3. The most common substance on Earth, which is present in all organisms, is the basis of all life processes and the only source of oxygen during photosynthesis. (Water)
4. Earlier this substance was produced solely of wastes of silk production. In 102, a Chinese scientist Cai Lun managed to obtain it from a mixture of bark, hemp and rags. What substance are we talking about? (About paper)
5. How does butyl ether of butane acid smell like? (Like a pineapple)
6. What is the product of hydrolysis of sucrose? (Glucose and fructose)
7. What element is the most common in nature? (Oxygen)
8. What is the thickness of the ozone layer? (2 — 4 mm)
9. Chalk, marble, limestone… What do they have in common? (Their composition: in all of them it includes calcium carbonate)
10. This substance is used in both military and pharmacy fields. What is it? (Nitroglycerin)
11. What will happen is wood is heated without access to air? (Charcoal)
12. Why isn’t cellulose used in diets? (The human body doesn’t have an enzyme capable of cellulose degradation)
13. In which organic solvents cellulose can be dissolves? (None)
14. What substance is an antipode of acid? (Alkali)
15. The winner of two Nobel Prizes, who discovered №84 element and named in honor of their homeland. (Marie Skłodowska Curie. Polonium)
Questions for the blitz:
- The author of the Periodic Law and “The Principles of Chemistry”. (D. I. Mendeleev)
- Inventor (A. Nobel)
- This character was extremely keen on chemistry, was a good violinist, though he become famous for something else. (About Sherlock Holmes)
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