Last update: 16.02.2025

7W case-lessons

For parents

Why are case courses and case lessons unique and useful?


Сase based courses and case-lessons use the unique 7W methodology that allows students to study interdisciplinary educational material together with simultaneous practice of such competencies as communication, teamwork, planning and organizing, creativity, accountability, continuous learning, technological awareness.

The 7W methodology and the materials are designed on the principles of interdisciplinary study of objects, phenomena and concepts in a combination of fundamental knowledge, practical examples and application of knowledge in practice.

Thanks to the compound perception and material processing a unique result 7 in 1 is achieved: knowledge, understanding, practice, creative transformation, competence, motivation and pleasure!



Why and how should they be applied?


If your child cannot go to the school for different reasons or you want to make your child interested in a topic - use 7W® case-lessons!

They are specially designed to make learning easy, exciting, not requiring special explanations from adults. The topics are revealed using both fundamental background specific practical examples and contribute to the fact that the child can independently study school material on several subjects at once, enjoy the process and the result.

This unique content will also help to use technology for development and learning, not just for games. If your child spends a lot of time using computer, introduce 7W case-lessons to him or her!



What is the result?


Thanks to a large amount of practical material, references and assignments, case lessons motivate students to learn, find connections between school knowledge and its application in real life. Through this process knowledge is absorbed quickly and easily. This encourages children for continuous learning and getting further knowledge of the world!





“I showed my 15-year-old son a case-lesson about drones and did not expect that he would be so carried away by them! And, most surprisingly, my son improved his knowledge in Physics and took a great interest in technology. He doesn`t spend much time just surfing the net, he uses his tablet to search and study information about drones and technology of their production. I am glad that my son has some enthusiastic adherents with whom he can communicate about the topics he is interested in. I am very glad that the case lesson helped my son find interest in studies and get a new hobby! (Irina Dolganova, mother of a 9th grade pupil)

The case-lessons are structured:

by grades

- elementary school

- secondary school

- high school

by subjects

- "math, science, technology (STEM)"

- "natural science (Nature)"

- "geography, history, art" (World, People, Objects")

"personal, social, health, economic (PHSE)"