7W case-lessons |
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Theme cases$15
For language study
Why are the case courses and case studies unique and useful?
Сase based courses and case-lessons use the unique 7W methodology that allows students to study interdisciplinary educational material together with simultaneous practice of such competencies as communication, teamwork, planning and organizing, creativity, accountability, continuous learning, technological awareness.
The 7W methodology and the materials are designed on the principles of interdisciplinary study of objects, phenomena and concepts in a combination of fundamental knowledge, practical examples and application of knowledge in practice.
Thanks to the compound perception and material processing a unique result 7 in 1 is achieved: knowledge, understanding, practice, creative transformation, competence, motivation and pleasure!
Why and how should they be applied?
The case-lessons are very effective in learning foreign languages for students of any age. The educational material contains many practical examples, links, connections to real phenomena and events, which are close to real life. This makes the process of learning fascinating, interesting and practical.
Instead of typical bookish texts for reading, retelling and discussion, use the case-lessons! You will get lively, interesting material that can be effectively used for reading, rehearsal and description, as well as for substantiating the participants' points of view, dialogues, questions-answers, discussion, independent and individual group works, inquiry and homework.
What is the result?
When learning a foreign language using “live" material, students are more motivated, involved and free to express themselves in the learning process.
In contrast to conventional methods the 7W one gives qualitative and effective results:
- 83% of students in foreign language courses believe that the case-lessons increase effectiveness of practical classes;
- 67% of teachers note that the use of the case-lessons are more effective than traditional methods of teaching foreign languages and increases motivation of both teachers and students;
- case lessons provide the best results in speaking and group activities.
“The first case lesson I used in my English course was “Cats and cats mania” (we were studying the topic about pets). I haven`t seen such a lively activity, enthusiastic participants and interesting dialogues for a long time!
Now I constantly use cases in my practice, because they give very good results! It is also very important for me to receive excellent feedback from the participants about my lessons and about me, as a professional and a teacher with whom it is interesting to co-operate!"
(Anna Kuznetsova, English teacher)
The case-lessons are structured:
by grades
by subjects
- "math, science, technology (STEM)"
- "geography, history, art" (World, People, Objects")
- "personal, social, health, economic (PHSE)"
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All case-lessons content (texts, illustrations, photos, graphics, designs) on this website is protected by US
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