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14.03.2025 |
28. “Draw a foal” (Case-lesson “The magical artistic world of Maria Pryimachenko”)
The essence of the game: The required supplies for the game include either a blackboard with chalk or a flipchart with markers. The students have to draw a foal in their teams. The important aspect is that every element of the picture is drawn by different person. The one who is drawing is blindfolded. Other team members may help by giving hints like “more to the right/left” or “higher/lower”. The most beautiful, the closest to the truth or the funniest picture wins.
The plot of the picture may vary depending on the teacher’s and students’ desire, but it must be the same for the both teams and allow split the image into stages.
OBJECTIVE: Activate imagination, creativity, ingenuity, “turn on” good mood and positive thinking; teach team work and delegation of authority.
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