Last update: 14.03.2025

7W case-lessons

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Accelerative Activities

21. “Volcanoes” (Case-lesson “The fascinating world of volcanoes”)

The essence of the game: Students are tasked to identify a country or place where a volcano is located (the usage of maps is possible), pronounce its name and names of geographical objects connected with it correctly. The one who accomplishes it the best wins:

  1. Eyjafjallajökull is an ice cap in Iceland and cognominal volcano, located east of Reykjavík. This volcano is partially located beneath Mýrdalsjökull ice cap. Its name consists of three Icelandic words: eyju – island, fjallið – mountain and jökullinn – ice cap.
  2. Öskjuvatn – is a lake in the crater of Askja volcano, underneath Vatnajökull ice cap.

OBJECTIVE: Development of speaking skills, ingenuity, positive thinking and mood, supplement geographical knowledge with interesting and helpful information.