Last update: 14.03.2025

7W case-lessons

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Accelerative Activities


17. “System cracking” (For “Credit card” case-lesson and other case-lessons on economic or cryptography topics)

The essence of the game: A class or group of children is divided into two teams. One team is “bank security”, the other is “hackers”. The first team develops a four- or five-digit “security code” of a card or banking system, where each character in encrypted by a separate task. They can use both numbers and letters of the alphabet (Cyrillic or Latin). For example, the clue to two numbers can be a solution of system of equations, to another two these are roots of a quadratic equation. The difficulty and level are only limited by players’ knowledge and preparation. At this stage time for preparation of code is limited by the teacher.

Then the prepared code with the problems is given to the team of “hackers” who has to “crack” it (solve the problems). For them, the time limit is established by the opposing team, who plans it in advance, considering the time required for creation of the tasks. The teacher ensures that time is limited reasonably and it is enough for performing of all tasks. If the code is broken the “hackers” win, if not victory is the “security’s”.

OBJECTIVE: Establishing teamwork and communication within the team; acquiring such competences as delegation of authority, pluralism, leadership, independent and critical thinking, time management; learning elements of problem solving strategy and tactics; learning and consolidation of curriculum material.