Last update: 28.10.2024

7W case-lessons

All American Contest 

"Create the best model of the School for the USA"

The contest was organized by Laurene Jobs (widow of Steve Jobs) in 2015-2017 with the prize $100 mln for the 10 winners. The quantity of applicants was 40 000. They formed 700 teams. Our team hit in the first 50 and become a finalist.


AMERICA needs a new education system and a new way of learning.

The Contest was launched in September 2015, by Laurene Jobs in order to organize a national movement to create the best education system for the US. The contest expected 10 winners (schools and projects), with the $100 million Prize fund.

There were many educators and entrepreneurs, parents and pioneers, business leaders and administrators, youth and education experts involved, in the endeavor to remake America’s high schools for today. They desired to create a new model of learning that they called XQ.

Sure, IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is important. It measures how we process information. But it isn’t everything.

In fact, the latest science shows that intelligence is not fixed and that there’s a lot more to a person’s capability than what can be measured in an IQ test. What also matters is a person’s EQ (Emotional Quotient) – the ability to relate to others, understand emotional cues and collaborate.

But today, neither IQ nor EQ is enough. There’s a certain something, something we call XQ, that’s essential for success in the new era we’re entering. New era of education. Who will find this “XQ” – will win.

Vladimir Spivakovsky took part in this Contest with the 7W Project (as the only foreign participant). There were 40 000 participants, that were organized in 700 teams. And Vladimir’s Team became a finalist of the contest.